Monday, January 18, 2010

It was okay the first 3 times...

With voting for U.S. Senate seat taking place tomorrow, I've been reflecting upon my campaign choice. While I will not take the time to review who I am voting for nor why, I will disclose that it is NOT Martha Coakley or Scott Brown. Initially, yes, I admit it would have been Coakley. But what this post is really about is asking the big question of "What the hell gives these people the right to spam my phone line and my daily programming?!" This constant, over-exposure of both Coakley and Brown is causing me to run from the pole lines directly to my nearest Police Station to file for a restraining order. While I was okay for the first 3 phone calls I received from these wonderful human beings (sarcasm), I was slightly irate when it started pushing 8 (and when I say "slightly", what I really mean is "pretty 'freakin"). Usually I would brush off these intense feelings of irritation as just my own short fuse BUT it didn't stop with the phone calls! It went into something a little more unpatriotic! Commercials BAM gone and replaced with political propaganda! "Scott Brown hates rape victims" and "Martha Coakley is a reincarnation of Kennedy with a vagina"! TERRORISM I say! I am a commercial connoisseur! Addict of the advertisements! Hell, I thought the Geico commercial with that horrible ring tone was so hilarious, I got it for myself just because it was so funny! You know, the one that goes ring-a-de-ding-ding-dong....well anyways, you get the point. These precious seconds out of my day, in between the daily television shows I routinely watch during my down time, are now ALLLL being replaced by these cowboy vs. Indian political rubbish. While it's true, my vote is going to somebody who I don't know what he stands for really, I do know this: he can't afford to harass me and therefore we have something in common. Sometimes it truly pays to keep your mouth (and phone books) shut....At least in my poling headquarters :)

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